Reach out and touch waves
Gliss is a touch controller for Eurorack.
Modular synthesizers prioritise signals modulated by dials, buttons and sliders, rather than the physical, human gesture that’s driven music since the beginning. Gliss, a touch control module for Eurorack, brings unparalleled gestural control, visual feedback and flexibility directly into your modular system. Gliss comes in two formats: the original Gliss (4HP), and Gliss 1U.

Beautiful, responsive touch control #
Gliss’s touch technology is built on the high resolution capacitive sensing we developed for the Trill touch sensors.
As well as a large and responsive touch surface, Gliss has an input and two outputs with voltage ranges configurable for each mode. When you touch Gliss your gestures are illuminated by a row of LEDs mounted behind the touch strip.
One controller, four modes #
Gliss has four performance modes: Control, Record, Signal and Notes.
In Control mode you can control signals directly with your finger position and/or touch size. In Record you can draw in custom waveforms up to 75 seconds in length, and loop them for custom LFOs or trigger them for an envelope. Signal mode lets you clip, offset, and scale your signals, and Notes gives you 5 tunable voltages that you can play as an expressive keyboard, or a step sequencer.
Huge functionality in a compact format #
Gliss packs loads of features into a tiny footprint. There’s lots more to discover and explore.
In October 2024 we released Gliss Firmware v2. This now ships with all new Gliss modules, and is available as a free upgrade for all current Gliss owners. Upgrade fast and for free with the web-based Gliss Upgrade tool - all you need is a micro USB cable and a Chrome web browser.
Download the Gliss User Manual for an illustrated deep dive, or check out the Gliss page on the Bela Knowledge Base for the lowdown on all Gliss’s features.
Availability #
Gliss is available from the Bela Shop. Click below to get yours now.

Gliss is also available from the following distributors of fine modular products:
Worldwide #
EU #
Americas + Canada #
UK #
Asia #
Australia #
Interested in becoming a distributor for Gliss? Get in touch with us via our contact page.